Region of Waterloo and Grand River Transit celebrate Transit Team Appreciation Day 2024

Posted on Monday March 18, 2024

Today, the Region of Waterloo and Grand River Transit celebrate Transit Team Appreciation Day and the commitment of transit staff who get riders to their destinations every day.

Access to transit creates affordable, liveable, and thriving communities, and hundreds of people have dedicated their careers to that goal. Residents and visitors rely on transit to get to medical appointments, work, community hubs, home and more.

“The community values our transit service and we are thankful for the dedication provided by every member of the team,” said Regional Councillor Colleen James, Chair of the Public Works Committee. “We are fortunate to have such a committed group of people putting customers and the community first.”

More than 800 employees support the transit network at GRT, along with partners from Keolis, Kiwanis Transit, and Voyago, who all work to build and maintain transit services in the Region as the population continues to grow.

“I am proud to celebrate every member of this amazing transit team,” said Doug Spooner, Director, Transit Services. “In the past year, Grand River Transit staff worked through several challenges – like adding service to meet record demand and launching our electric buses – and through it all, they always deliver their best for our community.”

Every day, GRT buses and ION trains carry more than 135,000 people and travel nearly 60,000 kilometres.

“This day is an important opportunity to thank all of our conventional and MobilityPLUS operators, technicians, and automotive service attendants for their work,” said Brendan Burke, President, Unifor Local 4304. “Our members go above and beyond to provide a crucial community service, and they do it with pride.”

“In scheduling, communications, customer service, planning, administration, and finance, there are brilliant professionals keeping the transit system running smoothly and effectively,” said Noelle Fletcher, President, CUPE Local 1883. “For your service throughout the year, thank you.”

Transit customers and community members are encouraged to show their appreciation and support on March 18 with a hello when you board a bus or ION train or visit a customer service location, and a thank you when you leave.

They’re also encouraged to send in a video saying thanks to our transit team members, and tagging GRT on Twitter/X, Facebook, or Instagram.

Feedback is gathered year-round through GRT’s online feedback form or by calling 519-585-7555 and shared with staff.