In the event of an emergency, call 911 to reach emergency services.
At the station
Every ION station is equipped with a blue emergency call box, marked with a blue light. Press the red button and you’ll be connected with staff who can help you.
Please note the blue call box is for emergencies only, not service or general information. For general information, please contact customer service at 519-585-7555.
On the train
In case of an emergency on the train, press the yellow emergency alarm bars to sound an alarm, or use the intercom located next to each door on the train to speak to the operator. The yellow emergency alarm bar should only be used for emergencies. It is not used to signal your stop.
The train is also equipped with an emergency door release and an emergency window punch. To open the doors in an emergency, break the safety glass and pull the handle to release the doors.
The alarm bar, door release and window punch should only be used in case of an emergency. Misuse of these can result in a fine.
Disruptions to ION service
If there is a significant disruption along the ION route, bus shuttles will carry passengers between ION stations.
If trains are delayed or not running, regular announcements will be made at the station and shown on the departures display.
The system map displayed in the middle of the platform shows the location of the ION replacement shuttle stop. Head to the stop location and look for the special red marker. The shuttle bus will say “ION Shuttle” on the destination sign.
Check the Service alerts page for updates.