There are a total of 15 ION trains.
Each train is approximately 32 metres long (105 feet). Each train has seats for 60 people, with 4 priority seating areas and room for more than 140 people standing comfortably.
Trains are equipped with passenger displays and audio announcements to display each station.
There are 19 stations along the ION route. Every station features:
- EasyGO platform card readers to allow for seamless payment.
- Fare vending machines to makes fare purchases quick and easy.
- Distinct anchor walls that are unique to each neighbourhood.
- Benches to provide riders with a comfortable area to wait.
- Information displays and audio speakers that provide up-to-date information.
- A canopy and shelters for extra protection from sun, wind, rain and snow.
- Security cameras and emergency call boxes to help keep everyone safe.
- A yellow platform edge to remind riders to stay clear of train. The black platform edge indicates where train doors will line up to help riders safely enter and exit the train.
- Overhead lines provide power to ION trains.
Station highlights and bus connections
- Conestoga station
- Northfield station
- Research and Technology station
- University of Waterloo station
- Laurier-Waterloo Park station
- Willis Way station
- Waterloo Public Square station
- Allen station
- Grand River Hospital station
- Central station
- Kitchener City Hall station
- Victoria Park station
- Frederick station
- Queen station
- Kitchener Market station
- Borden station
- Mill station
- Block Line station
- Fairway station