GRT has two styles of stop markers. The new stop markers are being gradually installed as we need to update markers due to routes changing and stop locations moving.

Here's how the new stop markers are different:

Differences between old and new bus stop marker
Old bus stop markerNew bus stop markerDescription of differences
Old stop marker design for local routes New design of local stop marker
  • Larger size
  • Orange colour indicates a local route
  • More visible bus symbol
  • Route number is larger and easier to read
  • Black text on white offers higher contrast, which is better for readability
  • Stop number is bolder, for using with trip planning tools
  • Adds website to contact information
  • Markers are double-sided, so they can be read if you're approaching the stop from either side
Differences between old and new iXpress stop marker
Old iXpress stop markerNew iXpress stop markerDescription of differences
Old iXpress stop marker design New design of iXpress stop marker
  • Green colour indicates stop is served by an iXpress route
  • Incorporates standard bus symbol
  • iXpress routes always listed at the top, if stop serves both iXpress and local routes.
  • Route number is larger and easier to read
  • Black text on white offers higher contrast, which is better for readability
  • Stop number is bolder, for using with trip planning tools
  • Adds GRT phone number, website
  • Markers are double-sided, so they can be read if you're approaching the stop from either side
Image and description of Flex stop marker
Flex stop markerDescription
Flex stop marker design
  • Design is similar to new local stop marker
  • Instead of orange border, has a white border to distinguish them from local routes.
  • Indicates this is a flex stop
  • Includes information on how to book a ride
Image and description of ION replacement shuttle stop marker
ION replacement shuttle stop markerDescription
Stop marker for ION replacement shuttles
  • ION Replacement Shuttle will use the stop in the event of ION service disruption
  • Design is similar to new local stop marker
  • Red with white border to make it easier to find pick up location.